LOCATION Missing Falls Brewery, 540 S Main St suite 112, Akron, OH 44311
MISSIONS Critical Operations Mission Pack from the Kill Team Core Book
KILL TEAM SELECTION Create a Matched Roster as described on page 90 of the Kill Team Core Book.
TOOLS OF WAR Attendees are expected to bring their Kill Team, three barricades, dice, measuring gauges or a tape measure, all relevant rules publications, and at least 5 physical copies of their Matched Roster (one for the Event staff and one for each of your opponents). It is recommended that you also bring a set of Tac Ops cards.
KILL TEAM CONSTRUCTION You will require a roster of up to 20 Operatives to participate in this event, plus three barricades.
Details for selecting your Matched Roster can be found on page 90 of the Kill Team Core Book.
Kill Team Barricades are available in either the Kill Team Octarius set or Kill Team Essentials set.
Players can scratch build barricades to fit the theme of their army as long as they are the same size and shape as those found in the Kill Team Essentials box
MODELLING Each model must accurately represent its entry on your Matched Roster. Please note that we do not expect you to model specific Equipment onto your models. However, if you have two
of the same model, but with different equipment, your opponent should be able to clearly identify which model is which.
Many players “scratch build” or heavily convert elements of their model collection, and these activities are a hallowed part of Warhammer hobby history. For the sake of fairness, any conversion should be comparable in size to the most current version of the model they
represent. You may not gain a benefit from converted models, but may incur penalties. For example, if you make a model extra tall with a heroic pose, this does not permit it to gain extra line of sight, but does permit it to be more easily seen. 3d printed models are not allowed
WIN-PATH PAIRINGS Your opponent for your first game will be randomly determined. Subsequent rounds will use ‘Swiss Pairing’ to pair opponents in each round. The winners of round one will be paired off with the other winners. The players who lose their first game will be paired off with those who also lost their first game. In the event where we have an odd number of players who won and lost, the highest ranked losing player in round one will be paired off with the lowest ranked winning player in round one. In round 3, ranked pairings will be used, with the highest two players competing, followed by the number three and number four player, and so forth.
GAME SPEED MILESTONES Outside of tournaments, most players do not complete their games against a set clock. As a result, when a loudspeaker shouts “sixty minutes remaining,” most players don’t naturally think “OK, we should almost be done with the entire first game round!” To help with this, rather than simply calling time left, event staff will call time based upon the place in the game you should on average be at, and these will also be shown on the projectors in the gaming hall. These time calls exist to help keep the flow of play moving, and are not binding, but you should be aware of them. For clarity, this provides each player with, on average, the following time
breakdown for the typical game:
• Pre-Game Mission Sequence (stages 2, 4, 6,
7-13 from the Core Book p.92): 10 Minutes
(both players)
• Playing your First Turning Point: 15
Minutes per player
• Playing your Second Turning Point: 15
Minutes per player
• Playing your Third Turning Point: 12.5
Minutes per player
• Playing your Fourth Turning Point: 12.5
Minutes per player
SCORING At the end of each game, use the score sheet provided during each round to record your results and submit them at the judges table. There may also be an option for reporting your results digitally on the day.
SCHEDULE 9-10:30-Registration, 11:00-1:15-Round 1, 1:30-3:45-Round 2, 3:45-4:15-Lunch, 4:15-6:30-Round 3, 6:30-7:30-Top Table, 8:00-Awards
BOARD LAYOUTS While each board may have a different aesthetic or theme; each will be pre-set by the Events Team to ensure it is conducive to fair and balanced gameplay for each round. Maps with terrain layouts will be provided in the player pack distributed at Registration. If the boards look significantly different to the map please contact a member of the events team
PLAYER CONDUCT POLICIES There is a famous adage that says, ‘It matters not if you win or lose, it’s how you play the game.’ We believe that Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team is a game best played in this spirit and we place great emphasis on playing excellent games with like-minded people in our U.S. Open Events. Therefore we expect players to play each game with a certain code of conduct to support this. When you arrive at your table for a game, greet your opponent, introduce yourself, and start the game promptly. We then expect players to treat each other positively and demonstrate good sportsmanship throughout each game. Everybody Loses from Time to Time. Be ready to lose a few games of Kill Team! It seems an odd thing to say, but it is in the nature of any event that only a few players (at most!) will finish the weekend without a loss. Barring ties, half of you will lose your very first game of the weekend, in fact! Winning with skill and grace is a rewarding and perfectly acceptable goal. Losing with skill and grace, however, is both more challenging and more laudable. These events present you the opportunity to build friendships with fellow hobbyists who share your interests – friendships you can renew and celebrate every time you travel to Warhammer Event or local events. A single great friendship built out of your experiences at these will outweigh any number of individual victories across your battles this weekend. In fact, if you do your best, have a great time, and build some lasting friendships… you haven’t really lost at all!
JUDGES Event staff will be prominently visible in the tournament hall throughout the event and hold the final say on all game rules and tournament issues. Individual rulings, however, are never binding precedent – it’s a game, not a court of law. Rulings will always be based on correct rules interpretations rather than adhering to previous precedent. When calling for assistance, please be prepared to provide any relevant rules to the particular question. A Note on Active Judging. At Warhammer Events, judges are empowered to actively stop instances of illegal play, with or without a player’s specific request for intervention. If a player has concerns at any point, they are always welcome and encouraged to call a judge. While we will not have judges at every table, and we cannot stop every instance of a minor misplay, our goal here is to make sure all the games played at JAC Games is enjoyable for everyone.
CONCEDING We expect all players to see the game through to the very end and not concede, as doing so can impact tiebreakers and, ultimately, the final rankings. In the unlikely event that a player does concede before the game has reached its natural conclusion, then the players should follow the rules presented under ‘End the Battle’ on page 93 of the Kill Team Core Book. Of course, if you have some kind of emergency that means you can’t proceed, just let the event staff know right away.