• Units should always be represented by appropriate models. The ‘What You See Is What You Get’ (WYSIWYG) rule is in effect for all tournaments. That means all units should be easily identifiable as the choice they represent and that all weapons/options taken for a unit should be clearly represented on the model(s). Models not appropriately represented will be removed from the game.
  • Unless otherwise specified in the event rules, or by receiving express written tournament organizer
    approval, your army should be primarily constructed of models from the given game system and the
    appropriate model range(s). Supplementing your army with models from outside the game system,
    or with third-party/3D-printed add-ons, is acceptable but should NOT be the norm.
  • Game systems that do not have a dedicated model range (e.g., some historical games) may use any
    appropriate models to represent their force(s) if they are within the spirit of the game system and
    force which they represent.
  • The size and shape of all model bases MUST be appropriate for the given game system. Models,
    such as vehicles that do not require bases MUST maintain the intended size, shape, aesthetic
    consistency, and height of the model represented.
  • Models/armies should be appropriate for a family-friendly event. When in doubt, models should
    adhere to a typical PG-13 rating. Akron Brew Brawl reserves the right to remove any models deemed